Wednesday, August 18, 2010

On Our Way Home

I am writing this last entry from New Hampshire having just watched Charlotte play soccer. We are parked in Stratham at Don's brother's house and are glad to be almost home. We spent the last week wending our way through Illinois and Pennsylvania in our own little American History tour. The Lincoln Library in Springfield Illinois is probably one of the nicest museums we have ever been in. The displays and interactive exhibits are phenomenal. We also visited Lincoln's tomb at the cemetery in Springfield, a massive granite structure that contains the bodies of Lincoln, his wife Mary, and the sons they lost. The only surviving member of the family was his son Robert, and when he died he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery. We also walked to Lincoln's home in Springfield pictured here.
From there we went to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to see the new Visitor's Center and Museum. Our campground was called Artillary Ridge, and there were riding stables right on the grounds. The second day there we took a tour of the battlefield on horseback, a really unique experience that gives you a completely new perspective of the battle. We wore head sets that described everything we were seeing. Don and I had never done anything like that before and it was a lot of fun. On our way home we stopped in South Hadley, Mass and visited with my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Chick whom I hadn't seen in years. We had a very nice visit and caught up on family news. All in all we had a grand adventure this summer, and are so glad we did it, but are also so glad to be home.
Final observations:
My ipad was my best friend on the trip.
Don and I travel well with only small skirmishes now and then.
100 degrees is pretty hot.
Kansas City has a lot of Yankee fans.
Horseback riding can be painful.
We have a very beautiful and vast country.
We learned a lot about American History.
We learned a lot about ourselves.
Live not put things off that you dream to do.


  1. so close . . . welcome home, Becky and Don. What an adventure! I'm envious. :)

  2. Welcome Home!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful journey with the rest of us!!
